Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Importance Of Store Policies On The Workplace - 995 Words
Importance of Store Policies A policy is a predetermined course of action in which employees and managers are expected to follow. They serve as a model for the course of action which best embodies the store’s vision and are a direct link to upper management. They are general in nature and typically vague. Because of the limiting reach that the upper company has on each individual store, store policies must effectively communicate the will of the company as a whole. Employees and managers need clear distinctions between what is and what is not acceptable at the workplace, because any ambiguity will lead to a problematic environment. Policies are essential in clearly stating what the rules of the company are, including courses of action†¦show more content†¦Lawsuits Lawsuits are an unfortunate part of businesses, whether they arise from negligent performance or a customer trying to â€Å"pull one†over a corporation that is too big to fail. The most relevant lawsuit type in regard to worker relationships are sexual harassment charges, where situations that are inappropriate for work arise. For example, when a relationship ends, if one member of the former couple continues to pursue the other member at work after a breakup to try to patch things up, the employer can be found liable for sexual harassment (Sutherland). Most companies are silent on policy regarding employee relationships, and as an employer that regularly hires the young adult demographic (18-25), Forever 21 should implement an effective policy protecting itself from further lawsuits in the future. One potential solution is to implement a policy prohibiting dating altogether. Habanero Consulting would advise against this approach, as employees will most likely still maintain relations, except Forever 21 will still be liable. Sexual harassment lawsuits have a serious impact on a company’s financial health, more so for companies which foster problematic environments that lead to more sexual harassment claims. It has been estimated that sexual harassment costs a typical Fortune 500 company $6.7 million a year in absenteeism, employee turnover, low morale, and low productivity. Of the 90% of Fortune 500Show MoreRelatedEssay on Walgreens Diversity Issues1644 Words  | 7 PagesWalgreens diversity issues: A weakness that was gained subsequent to the information gathered from research and surveys is that as a company it is true that diversity is practiced but may differ at stores; stores tend to lack a wide range of diversity. One may ask how that is possible. 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